Tag Archive for: Tekla

ANZ Tekla 2023 BIM Awards Winners
BIM, BuildingPoint Australia, TeklaCongratulations to the ANZ Tekla BIM Award Winners for 2023. All winners go into the Global Tekla BIM Awards 2024.

Category: Small Project – ANZ Tekla BIM Awards 2023 Winner
Architects, BIM, BuildingPoint Australia, Tekla Structures, Trimble

Constructing our future: The Construction Industry beyond Covid-19
BIM, Tekla For many of us, the word 'crisis' takes us back 10 plus years ago when a financial crisis spread throughout the world. Today, we face a very different crisis. Many countries are employing a wide range of measures to…

Tekla Developer Award 2019 winner shares the secrets of their success
BIM, Tekla Introducing the 2019 winner Last year, the top award went to Paul Deckers from BIMcollab for a solution called BIMcollab BCF Manager. This is an integration for Tekla Structures and BIMcollab, an issue collaboration…

Watkins Steel’s winning trifecta
Tekla StructuresProjects with restraints on access, time, and other factors that dictate what, how and when a team can do its work are nothing unusual. However, for the team from Watkins Steel, a contract to supply and install structural steel and gantry…